Welcome to the home page of Estonian Women Hunters’ society!
Contact information:
Estonian Women Hunters´ Society ( Eesti Naisküttide Selts)
E-mail: naiskytid@gmail.com; info@jahinaised.ee
Phone: +372 53 333 391
Address: Nurmpera talu, Liguri küla, Varstu vald, Võrumaa, Estonia
Prehistory, movement of women hunters in Estonia and the formation of the establishment of the organization
Estonian Women Hunters´ Society was established in 2015.
Estonian Women Hunters´Society (ENS) brings together women who share same visions of hunting and women hunters movement as a whole, and they want to pursue common objectives on the basis of the current legislation. Organization is dedicated to the encouragement, education and promotion of women and youth in the hunting traditions
May 2015. ENS became a member of Estonian Hunters´ Society , which is the roof organization for all the hunters in Estonia (http://www.ejs.ee/hunting-in-estonia/ ) and unites most of the 15 000 hunters in Estonia.
July 2015 ENS took part of a biggest Hunters meeting in Estonia – the most popular, the annual hunters’ summer days with almost 5000 participants. – https://jahinaised.ee/tegevus/pildialbum/
September 2015 ENS organized shooting training for the members in Niitvälja shooting range – https://jahinaised.ee/tegevus/pildialbum/
October 2015 ENS organized big moose hunt in Rimmu village, Viljandimaa – https://jahinaised.ee/tegevus/pildialbum/
Before 2015 women hunters met every year in autumn for a big hunt.
2010 it was organized on the islands of Saaremaa and Muhumaa
2011 again, it was organized on the islands of Saaremaa and Muhumaa. Documentary was made out of this hunt: http://etv.err.ee/v/dokumentaalfilmid/eesti_lood/saated/a1c7d8e9-a19c-4a00-a17f-ba2fb9fe37be
2012 hunt was on the island of Hiiumaa , current board memeber of the ENS Kairit Kiin organized the hunt with her hunting club.
2013. Hunt moved to the mainland – to Põlva County, where the current board member of the ENS Anneli Lints with Kõlleste hunting club organized an exciting hunt http://www.lounaleht.ee/index.php?page=1&id=13223
2014. Hunt was organized in Lääne County, where the members of the ENS Triin Roostfeldt and Kerlin Ledis organized hunt together with the Haapsalu Hunting club.
Hunting Catch Up reverberations are here:
and a tv show about it: http://youtu.be/zUZ88S-U6i0
2015 big hunt was organized in Rimmu, Viljandi County by Kadri Kivimets, who is the member of ENS as well – http://tv3play.tv3.ee/sisu/kahekesi-pussi-ja-panniga/674001?autostart=true
2016 First international hunt for women only was held in Taagepera:
The purpose of the organization is to promote sustainable hunting among women and youth offering different activities, various training courses and events.
ENS also represents the right and interests of its members in both – domestic and international level. In cooperation with the Estonian Hunters’ Society and other women’s organizations abroad ENS will carry through numerous projects which can help to achieve the goals and aims of the organization and give positive added value to hunting in Estonia.
In a year 2015.a. 320 women in Estonia had the hunting license and this number is increasing every year. 1.04.2017 the number was already 373. In May 2017 7% of these women were the members of Estonian Women Hunters´ Society – we believe that this number is increasing as well.